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Moving with pets

Your moving checklist is ready, your movers are booked, and your passport is ready… but is your furry friend prepared for their journey to their new home? As pet owners, we know just how much you love your pets and how important they are, so make sure you have a plan for these little (or not so little!) family members. Moving abroad with pets is a challenge of its own. Preparing your animal is going to be the biggest task in this process. Let's look at how to properly prepare and move your pet abroad with ease.

Cat and dog playing outside.

Understand the laws and requirements of moving abroad with pets

When you are moving overseas with your pet, the most important thing is to research the laws and regulations of your destination country. It is best to find fresh and reliable information as these laws can change frequently. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find all the information online, but you can always reach out to your nearest consulate or embassy for guidance. They are usually in possession of the newest information that could help you to figure out what you need to do before your move.

A veterinarian is going to be one of your first stops

Your veterinarian will be one of the first places that you will need to visit when relocating overseas with pets. Depending on your destination country's requirements and the type of animal you are traveling with, you might need to get a blood analysis, get your pet vaccinated, and chip them. Just remember that this all takes a lot of time. Your vet may not have an appointment available right away. Sometimes, it is necessary to wait a few days after the vaccination before traveling with an animal. Furthermore, it might take time for the blood analysis results to arrive. Additionally, you need to give your pet time to adjust to these new changes about to occur. With all that needed time in mind, we highly recommend contacting your vet as soon as you learn about the move. Besides health requirements that you need to meet, your vet will also be a good source of information regarding the wellbeing of your animal during the trip itself. Talk to your vet and see what they will suggest to ease your pet's trip.

Hire professional pet movers if you are moving abroad

Unfortunately, most overseas moving companies do not work with pets. That means that you will have to deal with your pet's transport on your own or you will need to find a pet relocation service. If you hire such a company, they will be in charge of your pet's wellbeing. They will take care of the difficult paperwork and regulations and make sure that your furry/feathery/scaly friend arrives at your destination stress-free.

Find a suitable carrier when moving abroad with pets

While you can easily transport your belongings in boxes or crates, you can't do the same with pets. So, one of the things that you will need to do is prepare your pet's carrier. Of course, the type of the carrier depends on the type of animal you have, its size, and your transporter's requirements. Cats and dogs have special carriers. If you are moving a parrot, find a suitable cage for moving birds. Whatever type of animal you own, the important thing will be to get and prepare the carrier at least a month before the move.

Give your pet enough time to get accustomed to the carrier

As mentioned above, the most important thing when buying a pet carrier is to do it well in advance of your departure. This means at least a month before the move. No matter what type of animal you own, a month should be enough for your animal to get accustomed to the carrier. This will, of course, create a much more pleasant and less stressful experience when your pet gets into the cargo space of a plane. To do this right, place the opened carrier next to your pet's space and leave it open. Put some food, and toys inside and step aside. Your pet will do the rest. It will gradually move inside and accept the carrier.

Try to stay calm and relaxed when moving abroad with pets

One of the things that you will need to remember when moving internationally with pets is to stay calm and relaxed. Animals can feel our emotions. If they sense that we are tense, they will not feel comfortable, either. Therefore, make sure that you shine with confidence and serenity while preparing for the move.

Hire professional packers to pack your belongings

As we all know, packing is the most difficult part of the moving process. Unfortunately, things are even more difficult when you are moving with pets. The best way to tackle this is to hire a professional packing service that will handle your belongings. That way, you can devote your time entirely to your pet and its needs. If, on the other hand, you are packing on your own, you can hire someone to take your pet out of the home while you are working. This will make things much easier for both of you.

Maintain your routine when moving abroad with pets

Pets like routine. If you change their routine, they can become nervous and agitated. This is the last thing you need during a move. That is why you should keep your routine as normal as possible, even on your moving day. If you are used to going for a walk, do it. When it is time to eat, give it food. If you keep things as normal as possible, your pet won't feel the “change” too much and it will make the move easier for both of you.

How do you prepare your pets for an international move?

You have to make sure that you help your pet prepare for the relocation, and you should do it by, preparing the paperwork and helping your pet feel comfortable about everything that is happening. You will do it without issues if you follow the following tips:

Having a well-laid plan will help you worry less during the stress of packing and relocating your household, and make moving a happier, easier transition for everyone. You will surely do a great job in no time so don't stress too much about everything. If you start early, you will surely do everything you need in no time.

Don't forget to pamper your pet once you are moved

No matter how hard we try to stay positive, international relocations are likely to be traumatic for pets in one way or another. That is why you should make sure you prepare your pets for an international move the right way and pamper them once they arrive to the new home. They might have to be quarantined upon arrival to the new country and that also can be problematic and even traumatic for them. So, do your best to keep them happy and healthy when they arrive. Make sure you shower them with plenty of pets, belly rubs, and love and they will feel right at home in no time. Good Luck!